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Your Exclusive Invitation...

A 3-Step Framework To FINALLY Create Consistent Leads on LinkedIn WITHOUT Paid Ads or Sales Nav...

...and get potential customers actually messaging you!

Offer expires when the timer hits zero:


Peter Whent

Just to show Post Party Club isn’t only for beginners, Peter Whent, was running a successful business using LinkedIn as his main way of attracting customers, but he knew he could do better.

When he Joined Post Party Club™ he saw an almost instant uptick of 20% - 30% in the reach his posts were achieving. With more people seeing his posts, he also saw an uplift in inbound enquiries..

The Three Step Framework for consistent results on LinkedIn is to effectively:

Find, Connect & Engage With the RIGHT Prospects in the RIGHT way . . .

Content & LinkedIn (for any business) requires a shift away from old 'salesy' habits.

The old over used way of finding business on LinkedIn means you go for quantity over quality, send potentially hundreds of 'cookie cutter' messages a day and hope you happen to catch someone at the right time.

But throwing as much content out there as possible and hoping to get noticed is stressful and time consuming.

And that's why for the last 13 years myself and my clients have been getting consistent results through LinkedIn.

But . . .

Why LinkedIn?

Because when other social media's are saturated or require a massive amount of work to create content,

LinkedIn was able to create consistent opportunities for me in a massive way.

Where engagement was falling off on other platforms and was becoming largely saturated, LinkedIn was able to thrive.

Even though LinkedIn is one of the most underutilised platforms (if not the most!) . . .

. . . why doesn't LinkedIn work for most?

Without the right strategy and insider knowledge, the chances are you will only get a handful of views

when you post on LinkedIn and more often than not they will be from people you already know well.

On average your posts will only be seen by around 1 in 10 of your connections.

This means that

most of your posts won't generate any meaningful business benefits.

To Get RESULTS and get them quickly, you need three 'Jigsaw' pieces for consistent success and profitable outreach!

Just 3 Jigsaw pieces actually, now I know that's not the most difficult Jigsaw, but when it comes to consistently pulling them off, all together, it can become difficult to remain consistent.

That's where Post Party Club comes in.

"So How Do I 'Succeed' with LinkedIn?"

Whether you succeed on LinkedIn depends on three important factors:

1: Your


Your profile is the first place people go to check you out on LinkedIn.

They will see your Message, Post, Video, etc.

If your profile isn't giving the right message or value you're driving people away.

But you CAN make your profile into a lead generation asset in next to no time.

2: Your


"Do you have red or brown sauce with your breakfast" - I wish this was a joke but sadly not.

To many times I see people publishing content for contents sake, rather then creating meaningful content that is going to get your customers EXCITED to talk to you.

And the BEST part? This doesn't take long at all with the right strategy.

3: Your


Rome wasn't built in a day.

Although we've had people get success overnight with the strategies we show you.

The reality is it could take some time to turn LinkedIn into the lead generation machine it can be.

But with that, I'll teach you how to build your profile, create your content and make your commitments 10x easier . . .

That's what Post Party Club™ is all about!

I'm passionate about LinkedIn because I know it works.

But how can I be so confident that it works? Because it's worked for hundreds of others:

Find, Connect & Engage With the RIGHT Prospects in the RIGHT way . . .

What If...

  • . . . we could create something that was not centered around a course you get and then you're on your own, even if NONE of it makes sense!

  • . . . you could have me (Andy Gwynn) looking over YOUR content and LinkedIn strategy and personally helping you?

  • . . . you could be in our Post Party Club and bet the first to know about what's working EVERY SINGLE MONTH?

  • . . . we could make Post Party Club affordable instead of £24,000 a year that I've charged for coaching in the past?

Well, we've done it!


The Perfect Blend Of:

1: Training

I’ve been doing this for 13 years, coached 1000’s of people so I know what you need when it comes down to creating an effective training course and keeping it simple.

There’s no 4-hour training video’s, complicated manuals, or difficult things to learn.

The magic in what we do is that we are able to dissect profitable campaigns and methods in a simple and step by step way that even an 8-year-old could follow along to.

So, when you join us today in Post Party Club you are going to be equipped with everything in your business to create consistent leads and sales through LinkedIn without any need to break the bank.

2: Coaching

So coaching is one of the missing pieces I see in other courses when it comes to scaling and getting consistent results and ongoing improvement with your content, your profile and your sales.

And that is why I believe most people fail to get results with LinkedIn.

Think about it, you could have the best programme in the world, but what happens when something isn’t quite right, what happens if something doesn’t make sense to you or you have a unique question that isn’t covered?

Or even if you just want us to review everything you’ve done and give you a big well done before you start posting it on Linkedin.

Well, that’s why we give you what I believe is the best training in the industry but also the best coaching and support to make sure you get results. You get 2 coaching calls every month without fail to answer any questions, go through your content or profile and focus on little tweaks to get you some amazing results.

3: Community

the final piece of the puzzle. Why? Because you have multiple people all trying to accomplish the same goal.

To GROW their outreach on LinkedIn, get consistent results and get more sales through LinkedIn.

PLUS the community is so helpful, if you have a question you can post it in the group and they will answer it for you quickly.

They might even have an experience in what you are trying to do and give you better advice that I could!

And also an amazing thing is that we get guest speakers from the community that share what they have done, some specific results they have
gotten and how they are getting some amazing results through Post Party Club and Linked In.

Here's What's Included:

How to Create a Powerful LinkedIn Profile

This is usually something I would only give to a 'Done For You' client to get the best results on LinkedIn.

Turn your profile into a lead generation asset for your business, introduce yourself and let people know how you can help them BEFORE you even talk to them with this first bonus.

I go through how to 'Get Found', 'Give Value' and 'Prove Credibility' plus you get guides giving you a complete breakdown of my profile and the 9 points to turn your profile into an asset.

You're profile will FINALLY attract leads and create opportunities!

How To Find, Connect & Engage With Your Ideal Target Market

This three part series will walk you through how to find your ideal clients on LinkedIn and get infront of them in the right way.

Once you've found and connected with them the final step is to start building your relationship so this it is mutually profitable.

This is about how to engage with them and move them as quick as possible from a conversation to a phone call, chat or straight to sale.

Magic Messages

How to Connect & Engage in the right Way

Get the step-by-step templates that my clients use to connect, engage and create leads for their businesses. Simply edit them for your business so you don't have to write anything new, just plug in and play with these templates to get you results you deserve

How to Write Posts

Your posts, like your profile, have to be engaging, educational & informative.

Discover the structure to creating perfect posts to get even more engagement.

Post Party Club members have written thousands of posts and this is the structure they use that gets consistent results with their posts.

“The 7 Most Successful Posts”

One of the Post Party Club community Members teaches people how to create content for a living. I've twisted his arm and asked him to share with you his 7 most successful LinkedIn posts that got him the most engagement and results.

And I know Peter is still getting leads from the posts he made months ago! See what these posts are and replicate them for your business - never be stuck for something to write about!

Monthly Coaching

Get Access to us live twice a month... something we would normally charge £1000's a month for (and do for our 'Done For You' clients)

Twice a month we go live on a Zoom call, we answer all of your questions, share everything that is working well for us, critique posts, give updates on changes to LinkedIn and we have regular specialist guest speakers! - all this is included!

Post Party Clubs

You get up to 32 posts a month (and growing!).

Each post submitted is guaranteed:

likes, engagements and comments from your peers using our platform.

Increasing Your Exposure, Lead Generation & Sales through EVERYTHING LINKEDIN.

Everything you need to get your content seen by 1000's of your potential customers!

You're now FINALLY free to cancel any paid ads that aren't working!

Save £100 or even £1000's / month

Post Party Club Community

Join a community of people who want to help each other succeed.

This group is live with regular updates of changes to LinkedIn and what's getting members the most results - an invaluable resource for leveraging LinkedIn in your business.

Kevin Stansfield

Peter Whent

Fast Action Bonuses:


Post Comment

Get Complete Access to our 'Post Comment' plugin, to cut your time needed to comment on posts to seconds!

When you join Post Party Club a big part of seeing consistent results is going to be reaching out and commenting on posts in a meaningful way.

With Post Chat you can plug in directly to our AI, it will read the post you are commenting on and generate you MULTIPLE replies with different tones depending if you want to agree, disagree or sound neutral.

Cut your time down to seconds per post and complete your Post Party Comments and outreach comments in minutes!


LinkedIn Mastery - My In Depth LinkedIn Course, Taking You Step By Step Through The BEST Strategies I Have EVER Used On LinkedIn, Here's What's Included:

Module 1:

Crafting The Perfect Profile

Turn your profile into a tool to attract your perfect client. I go through each part of your profile in detail, what works best for myself, my clients and turn your profile into a lead generation asset.

Module 2:

Ongoing Profile Development

Discover how you can develop your profile, exactly what will increase your exposure and results to end up at the top of searches for your target market

Module 3:

Formulating Your Strategy For Success

How to do powerful searches, connect and engage with your ideal contacts without coming across as to 'salesy', get my 'magic messages' templates to increase your responses and meaningful connections plus identify the best content for your marketing and business goals.

Module 4:

Company Pages & Recruitment

I'll go into detail of how to best create company pages to get more exposure for your business and brand and grow consistently PLUS how you can use LinkedIn for recruitment and the best strategies I have used to find the best candidates without spending hours going through endless requests.

Module 5:

The Final Piece

Bonus settings that can save yourself time, extra support you can receive from us and how you keep consistent with your LinkedIn marketing strategy and results with just a few hours of work a week that you or ab employee could do.

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1 payment of 

+vat where applicable

Pay Monthly

£97 a month

With a 3 month commitment.

1 monthly payment of £97

+vat where applicable

(30 days apart)

Even more reasons to join Post Party Club Today!

We looked at 30,000 premium users and these are the results they were getting...







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